Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Macbeth Act 2 Response

Act 2 shows a different view of Macbeth. He does not seem to be as motivated by the prophecy, as it seems like he does not believe it is worth it to become king. He depicted as a pushover, as he follows his wife's commands even though he doesaid not believe in the cause of killing Duncan to become king. When hever finally goes through with the deed, he is ridden with guilt and fear, tor the point where Lady Macbeth has to plant the evidence on the guards. In the morningame when the king is discovered, everyone turns their suspicionew to Duncan'so fleeing sons rather than Macbeth, even with all of the holes in his story. However, it does not seem Rossi is fooled.

Macbeth Act 1 Response

While at first Macbeth could be sent as confusing, it becomes easier to understand over time. I was confused at the very beginning of Act 1, but as I went through and reread it became easier to grasp not only Act 1 but later Acts as well. So far it feels like Macbeth feels like a hero because of how highly Duncan speaks of both him and Banquo. When Macbeth and Banquo are told their prophecies, it seems Macbeth is more impressed than Banquo. Later on, when Macbeth becomes thane of Cawdor, he is convinced the prophecy is ture, and begins thinking about how it will come to fruition. However, Banquo is less convinced, stating it as a way for Devils to manipulate men.