Monday, August 28, 2017

Medival Women and Their Roles

During Medieval Times women had several different roles. While there were some women who were seen as lower than men, many women in medieval times play very important roles such as the queen. Medieval Times actually increase the potential options for women beyond simple married life. Women could become nuns, and began to gain more roles in the Catholic Church. The quality of life for women actually improved in the Middle Ages as well, as they were more likely to survive childbirth and having improved nutrition. Peasant women were actually treated relatively equal to poverish men, though still sharing the misfortunes of the lifestyle. They also did more than just a simple house work. Women did things like spinning clothing, brewing beer, and even help their husbands in their own businesses, forming partnerships and sometimes even branching off into their own work. The Middle Ages brought a great deal of change for the roles of women in the world, many of which were great steps forward and led towards the eventual equality of women.